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Install dependencies

Install Dependencies

TomoATT is a C++ library, developed for working efficiently with parallel computing. For achieving a good IO performance, installing HDF5 with parallel IO option is highly recomended. TomoATT can also run in ASCII IO mode, but all the IO processes are run independently in this case rather than collectively, which causes a slowdown in IO performance.


Install compiler and CMake (with GNU compiler)

bash sudo apt install build-essential cmake

Install MPI and HDF5 with parallel IO option

Using Conda

Conda (opens in a new tab) provides us a convenient way to install the dependencies, which is easier and faster than installing them from source codes.

Create a conda environment

conda create --name tomoatt --channel conda-forge

Then activate the virtual environment

source activate tomoatt

Install the required libraries in the created virtual environment

conda install cxx-compiler cmake yaml-cpp openmpi "hdf5=*=mpi_openmpi*" -c conda-forge